Thursday, June 14, 2007

Solara Apartments

Solara Low-Income Apartments could possibly be the first of it's kind in the nation. A model of what should be happening everywhere. San Diego is the first city in California and maybe the nation to have government funded, energy efficient housing complex. Check out the picture, from Union Tribune, showing the carports' roof covered in solar paneling. This is used to generate the majority of the energy. The air conditioners are non-Freon and has a very small, if any, ecological footprint. I think this is great and am proud that San Diego is the first to do this. Hopefully, many other cities will follow in San Diego's footprint or should I say lack thereof a footprint. Beside being great for the environment think of how much help this will be to the low-income families who don't have to worry about utilities as their carports and the sun are doing the work for them. Great job San Diego! Isn't this great?

-=Union Tribune=-

Mission Playground is another project that should be applauded. They are located in San Diego and make environmentally friendly clothes. On the plus side, the clothes look great. Who said being green had to look bad anyway.

Last check out LiveGreenSD's blog for more news about living green in San Diego.


Felicia said...

This is cool! What neighborhood is this in? I really should investigate solar paneling for my home...

Felicia said...

P.S.: I posted photos of Mission Trails in March - one of them is of a rock climber.