Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Forever Fondue

When someone suggested that I go to Forever Fondue I thought it'd be an interesting experience. Getting to dip all my foods into different things and eating them. Prior to going to the restaurant I was most excited about getting to have chocolate covered strawberries. So when I went the first thing that shocked me was the price. To get an all inclusive meal which includes a cheese appetizer, salad, main course and dessert you would have to spend a minimum of $25 and that's the vegetarian choice. Being that I'm not vegetarian I went for the next thing on the menu which was The Original inclusive meal which consisted of different styles of meat like teriyaki and also salmon.

So first up was the cheese appetizer which came with bread that I get to dip into cheeses. There was also salad so I was munching on that while waiting for the main course because I was starving. Finally the main course arrives and it turns out you have to cook it. Being that I was starving, I dunked all my meat and seafood into the broth fondue and waited again to eat. Once I decided it was cooked I took it out and commenced eating. In my hungered state, I rushed to put it in my mouth only to find out that the broth has heated it to a really hot temperature. So I waited a bit longer with my burnt tongue and proceeded to eat my fondue meat which was at it's best, OK. I didn't really taste any wonderful flavors and the salmon was the only thing I was enjoying because you can never go wrong with salmon. Disappointed and hot, I may add as the broth was steaming over in the middle of the table, we were all just looking forward to dipping fruits into chocolate. When it came there weren't that many pieces of the fruits and breads. I was disappointed that there wasn't a full bowl of strawberries that we could dip and eat to our heart's delight. To get an extra plate would cost me another $4.25 which I wasn't willing to spend as my bill was inching up on $40 including drink and tax. So that was that.

I hear that a lot of people like these fondue places and that there is another one called, The Melting Pot, which I hear is better. But after my first attempt, I don't know if I'm willing to give it another shot. Maybe I just had a bad experience. I'd give it another shot but not for another $40.

Plus if it's chocolate covered strawberries you want go to a farmer's market and get some strawberries and melt some chocolate of your own at home. It's just as good, if not better.

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